|  | Hi John, Thank you for being a Del Taco Raving Fan! To celebrate your special day, enjoy a FREE Premium Shake (Regular Size) on us! Choose from creamy Vanilla, decadent Chocolate, or indulgent Strawberry, topped with REAL whipped cream. Follow one of these easy steps to redeem your offer when you order: • Show the coupon on your mobile device before paying in-store* • Click on the link below to access a printer-friendly version of the coupon Hurry in! This offer expires 4/14/2018. *Mobile coupon redemption available at participating restaurants. |  | |  |  | | Offer valid through 4/14/2018 for John Pflughoft, only at: 13610 BEAR VALLEY ROAD, VICTORVILLE, CA 92392 and other participating restaurants. Present coupon upon ordering. One coupon per customer; may not use coupon during subsequent visit. Limit one offer per coupon. Prices may vary. Not valid with any other offer, discount, or coupon. Customer pays all applicable sales tax. No cash value. Valid only at participating restaurants. Manager may refuse coupon if manager reasonably believes that customer has already redeemed this offer or has engaged in any fraudulent activity. Manager's decision is final. No auction or barter of coupon permitted. | | |  |  | © 2018 Del Taco LLC | 25521 Commercentre Drive, Lake Forest, CA 92630 Facebook® is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc. TwitterTM is a trademark of Twitter, Inc. | | |  | Visit Us Online | Find A Location | View Our Menu | Gift Cards Careers | Update Your Account | Unsubscribe | This email was sent because you joined the Del Taco's Raving Fan eClub in one of our restaurants, online or at one of our events. Your email address will not be shared with anyone. You can take your name out of the Del Taco's Raving Fan eClub at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link on this email and you will be removed from our list immediately. Del Taco's Raving Fan eClub, 25521 Commercentre Drive, Lake Forest, CA 92630. | To ensure delivery, add DelTaco@deltaco.fbmta.com to your address book. | |